Employment Rights Bill and preparing for change.
Prepare for change, summary of what’s included in the Bill.
Individual Rights
Day one unfair dismissal rights
Flexible working by default
Zero/low hours workers
Family related leave
Protection against dismissal for new mothers
Other protections and collective rights
Collective redundancies
Reform of fire and rehire
Public Sector Outsourcing
Pay and tax
Statutory Sick Pay
Gender pay gap reporting
Sexual harassment
Trade Unions
Trade unions, recognition and industrial action
Negotiating bodies
Fair Pay Agency
Extension of time limits for claims
Adapting to such far-reaching change demands a holistic response.
Your first priority should be to understand the cumulative effect of the government’s proposals on your workforce strategy, day-to-day operations, and cost base.
The right approach will then depend on a number of factors that are unique to each organisation – including your:
workforce profile
employee value proposition
reward strategy
employment terms and conditions
working arrangements
operational structure
HR and payroll systems
From strategy to action
We can help you navigate workforce change and ensure compliance. We’ll help you formulate your response – at a strategic and operational level – then implement it
We recommend four key steps to generate essential insights, and turn them into action:
Assessment: Evaluate the effects of the proposed changes on your firm’s employment policies, processes and costs.
Prioritisation: Understand what to do in the short, medium and long term, and identify any ‘no regrets’ you can take now to get ahead of the curve.
Engagement: Work with your key stakeholders to manage the operational and cost implications.
Monitoring: Track the progress of the proposals and their likely impact as legislation and consultations progress, and more information becomes available.
From there, we’ll work with your team to review and adapt your workforce strategy and structure; operational policies and processes; employment contracts; and HR and payroll systems.
Once your plan is in place, we’ll help you develop a communications programme to explain your actions to staff and other stakeholders.
Get in touch to see how we can help you evolve your workforce strategy.